Young Booklovers

Yesterday, a young booklover visited our bookshop. Stella Lennon is the daughter of Joyce and Bruce Lennon and is 7 years old,
a student at a Rolling Hills Estate school in the area. She was
fascinated by the painting of young girls in their native costume
and she is holding the artwork by Eliseo Silva. The painting can
be viewed at our bookshop. Stella is the granddaughter of
Nelida Ong Xavier and Aquilino Xavier of Antique and they
visited us with Stella.15741030_10154254388441314_4609625825665164878_n15823518_10154254388526314_1692733393638993750_n

Artist Eliseo Silva

Artist/muralist Eliseo Silva dropped by the bookshop on
Dec 29 and photo shows him signing our Authors’ Gallery
Board which hangs at the bookshop. Eliseo is the author
of “Filipinos of Greater Philadelphia” (2012) which was published
by Arcadia Publishing. The book is available at $21.99 plus
sales tax for CA residents and domestic shipping $3.99. Email if interested.